SATISFACTION SURVEY Survey feedback is a tool that can provide honest feedback to help guide and direct our teams and support positive change. We would appreciate a few moments of your time to answer to following questions. Relatives & Friends Survey Form Name (optional) Date By completing this survey you are helping Blossom HCG to create a better working environment. If you wish, you may complete this survey anonymously. Your Feedback: What is your relationship to the service user? Relative Friend Please tick the appropriate box: How satisfied are you with our service to your relative or friend regarding? Very Poor Poor Good Very Good Excellent The way the carers look after them? Very Poor Poor Good Very Good Excellent Their availability – do they come to help them when they need them? Very Poor Poor Good Very Good Excellent Their attitudes and general manner? Very Poor Poor Good Very Good Excellent The arrangements for their personal care? Very Poor Poor Good Very Good Excellent Do you feel Personal Care Assistants know your relative/friend as an individual and so can provide sensitive support? Very Poor Poor Good Very Good Excellent The social activities provided or arranged? Very Poor Poor Good Very Good Excellent Efforts to help them keep up with their personal interests and hobbies? Very Poor Poor Good Very Good Excellent How their overall needs are provided for? Very Poor Poor Good Very Good Excellent Are they supported to progress and develop? Very Poor Poor Good Very Good Excellent The availability of Management to discuss any problems when you need? Very Poor Poor Good Very Good Excellent Whether they get things done when asked? Very Poor Poor Good Very Good Excellent How do you rate the carers training and knowledge? Very Poor Poor Good Very Good Excellent Do you feel that there are any unnecessary restrictions placed upon your relative/friend? Yes No Would you recommend Blossom HCG Ltd to others? Yes No Your comments and ideas for improvements. From all of us at Blossom HCG, thank you and we appreciate the time you have taken to complete this survey. Note: You are not required to give your name or contact details. However, if you would like to discuss this questionnaire, please leave your name, and contact details and a member of the management team will contact you. Disclaimer: By submitting this form you agree to have the details contained within to be stored on this website. Send