Website Blossom HCG Ltd
TITLE: Personal Care Assistant
STATUS: Part Time
REPORTING TO: Team Leader / Service Manager
HOURS: 12hrs – 24hrs per weekend
LOCATION: Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire
SALARY: £10.50 to £10.75 per hour
Blossom HCG Ltd aspires to develop its reputation in the provision of support to people with a learning disability. We will offer a range of opportunities to support and empower people with a learning disability and associated difficulties to enhance their quality of life. We will work in partnership with parents and/or carers, the local community and local services in order to enhance support networks, thus promoting independence and ensuring that individuals are seen as part of the local community. We will employ compassionate staff who will receive good training, enjoy their work and who will be encouraged to take a flexible and innovative approach, pushing the boundaries of what it is possible to achieve. This will provide an excellent atmosphere in which individuals can grow and challenge assumptions that they and others may have made about their lives.
To become a member of a support team who assist and support individuals with learning disabilities who may also exhibit challenging behaviours.
To be responsible for the general well-being of individuals and to maintain a high standard of care by assisting in providing a quality service to the individual and anyone associated with their care.
1) To ensure that there is a focus on fun, good health and enjoyment, providing people with a learning disability opportunities to expand their sphere of experience and to develop their lives in creative and imaginative ways.
2) To ensure individuals within the home have the opportunities to learn new skills required to become as independent as possible within the amenities of the community and generic services. This may involve assisting service users to arrange social events.
3) To support and respect the dignity of individuals at all times and to promote a positive image for them whilst out in the community. To help individuals maintain good relationships with their neighbours in the local community and to support them in dealing with any disputes that may arise.
4) To assist individuals with the general day to day management of their home, such as helping them to complete domestic chores, to go shopping etc.
5) To ensure that all individuals have an up to date individual care plan. To read and carry out the requirements of the Care Plans and management strategies and to participate in individual’s reviews wherever possible. To ensure that Care Plans are evaluated at least once every six months.
6) Possibly to become a named key-worker for an individual within the home.
7) To support individuals within reviews and care plan meetings in order to help them to express their views so that their needs are met.
8) To escort individuals on organised trips and holidays and to leisure and recreational resources which are appropriate and compatible with individuals’ choices and preferences.
9) To assist individuals in checking monies and being responsible for their monies and supporting individuals in budgeting such monies and transactions whilst out. Also to assist with the completion of benefit forms where necessary.
10) To ensure that individuals are supported in maintaining healthy lifestyles and that primary care needs are met, e.g. GP, Dentist, Chiropodist. To ensure that regular appointments are made where necessary and to report / record the outcome of all visits.
1) To promote a positive image of the support offered within the home by Blossom HCG to relatives and agencies, or professionals you may meet in your role.
2) To assist in maintaining a clean, homely environment, whilst considering the capabilities of the individual and the issues of choice and dignity.
3) To ensure that all buildings and grounds reflect a “quality image”. To report all maintenance repairs in the correct manner.
4) To assist in maintaining a secure / safe environment for the well-being of the individual and those who work within the home. To comply with the requirements of employees under the Health and Safety at Work Act and to report any health and safety concerns to the nominated representative or your Line Manager as soon as they come to your attention.
1) To be supportive of other team members and to endeavour to develop open, trusting and supportive relationships with others.
2) To attend staff meetings, debating and raising issues on behalf of the service users within the home in line with their needs.
3) To attend supervision sessions regularly, to contribute to these and to work towards all goals negotiated within this process.
4) To be aware of local support services available, e.g. psychologists, psychiatrists, speech and language therapists, community nurses etc. and to be aware of the involvement of any of these professionals with any of the individuals within your home. To liaise with external professional agencies as appropriate and to be aware of how their recommendations can be incorporated into the Care Plans.
5) To maintain satisfactory relationships with all parties involved in the day to day life of individuals, including relatives, Social Workers, external professionals and referrers. To display a professional approach to all visitors to the home.
6) To ensure that appropriate documentation and recording is in place. To supply written and verbal reports on individuals (including observations on service users’ health) and assist in the maintenance of service users’ action plans. To alert your Manager if you have any doubts or concerns regarding the wellbeing of your individual during observations.
7) To observe strict confidentiality in respect of any information regarding individuals within the home and to ensure that any inappropriate hearsay is challenged.
8) Ensure that you are conversant with all Blossom HCG policies and procedures and that you follow the practices outlined in these documents. Ensure that your operational and procedural practices are to the highest level of professionalism.
9) To ensure that you are familiar with the content of the Staff Handbook and that you refer to the information provided therein to support you in your provision of care to each individual.
10) To notify your Line Manager immediately of any complaint, be it verbal or written and irrespective of source.
11) To notify your Line Manager immediately with regard to any serious accident or any contagious illnesses (actual or suspected) of individual or staff.
12) To notify your Line Manager immediately of any staff shortages.
13) To participate in training events both mandatory and aspirational in order to develop your skills and abilities in working with your individual.
14) To be aware of and administer simple first aid and to be aware of when and how to access emergency services.
15) To seek guidance and advice when required.
Blossom HCG is an equal opportunities employer. We are committed to challenging any form of discrimination encountered and to achieving a working and living environment which provides equality of opportunity and freedom from discrimination on the grounds of race, colour, ethnic or national origin, religion, sex, class, sexual orientation, age, disability, marital status, special needs or membership or non-membership of a trade union. Discrimination on any of these grounds will not be practised or tolerated. All employees of Blossom HCG are expected to adhere to this general principle and to accept personal responsibility for the practical application of the policy.
This job description is not exhaustive and is an outline of the current position. The document is intended to be a guide as to the general scope of duties and not an inflexible specification. It may be changed in detail of emphasis in the light of future changes and developments and the individual may be expected to take on other relevant responsibilities as directed by the Home Manager. The employee shares with the employer the responsibility for suggestions to alter the scope of duties.
To apply for this job email your details to lee@blossomhcg.com.